Mother’s Room
Imani Cox
English 098
June 26, 2020
Mother’s Room
A grandmother’s home is special to a grandchild. For Judith, it certainly is; she recounts the intimate details of her own mama’s house. Each and every room has a story.
“La Casa de Mama” is what Judith calls it. A house that doubles as a birthing place, a chest for jewels and riches, and a museum of family relics. It all begins at her grandmother’s bed. According to Judith, it’s “where [all of her] children had been born” and where “private advice to her daughters” were given. This is the part of the house that gives life and nurtures its’ growth. Mama’s room is the stem from which the rest of her house blooms. Each child and room— a petal of their own.
Mama’s house starts out as a one bedroom; and in the end, turns in to some kind of a mansion. Every time she is expecting a baby, she demands Papa, her husband, “more space, more space”. Every year mama labors a new baby, papa labors a new addition to the house. They see each child as a blessing. He is proud of every child born but she can’t help but notice her body getting weaker with each pregnancy.
The future and what it holds bares heavy on Mama’s mind. That makes her ask Papa for a very special request. “A big beautiful room painted his favorite color, sky blue, with large windows looking over a green hill...” He is supremely excited execute her vision. When it is finished, she comes to him and confesses the room is not for a new baby. In fact, the room is for Papa. She chooses to sacrifice a part of their relationship to save her and children's future.
Mama decides that she cannot spend the rest of her life giving. If she continues to give more life, there will soon be none left for her. Her making this decision protects her body, her life and inadvertently protects all the lives around her, even Papa’s.
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